Let Us Help You Personalize Your Ride.
We currently offer limited edition 304 Stainless Steel trim and custom milling and engraving for derby and timing covers along with optional gold plating. Beartooth Hogs & Rods is dedicated to providing truly custom and limited edition parts for big bikes.
For Sale! 1970 Number’s Matching
Plymouth Cuda

Our Product
Custom Machining
Beartooth Hogs & Rods offers one-of-one and small production runs on our in-house CNC mill and CNC lathe. We also have access to a laser cutter and other technologies. Our shop is open to metal projects of all types, not just vehicle-related. We can make club medallions, card covers, front door trim or anything else you can think of. If we can’t do it, we’ll try to help you find someone who can.
Our process is as follows:
- We provide a written quote. This is a “will not exceed” number. We may come in under, but we will not exceed our quote.
- Upon our receipt of a deposit of fifty percent of the quoted price we begin production.
- We ship the product to you.
- If you are satisfied with the product, you send us the other half of the quoted price. If you are unhappy with the product, we will either make it right or refund your deposit.
In over nine years of business, we have not yet had to refund a deposit.